Glycogen is a polysaccharide that acts as a source of energy storage in animals and fungi. In humans, glycogen is mostly produced and stored...
Ethylene (C2H4) is a hydrocarbon and a simple alkene. It is a natural plant hormone which is used in agriculture to force the ripening of ...
Epithelial tissue, or epithelium, is one of the four types of animal tissues and it lines the cavities and surfaces of structures on the bod...
Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot fix carbon to survive. Animals, fungi, and many bacteria are heterotrophs.
Coevolution is triggered by changes occurring in a related object and it works like a chain of causes and effects. For example, when a prey ...
Animals could adapt in many different ways in order to survive. Some change their appearances, some develop what they already have to increa...
Plants adapt just like animals in order to survive by undergoing changes in their genes. Some plants like cacti have spikes and thorns to wa...
The phloem is the living tissues in plants and it transports nutrients, such as sucrose, to all parts of the plant. In the picture is a tree...
The niche of an organism is its role in the ecosystem which allows the organism to live and contributes to the functionality of the ecosyste...
The endosperm is the tissue that is produced in the seeds of many flowering plants. It is highly nutritious to humans because it could conta...
Homeostasis is the tendency of the internal environment of an organism to remain stable despite the changes in the external environment. For...
Commensalism is type of relationship between two organisms in which one benefits without harming or affecting the other. An example would be...
Predation is a biological interaction involving a predator hunting down and consuming a prey. Both predator and prey may adapt by gaining fe...
Prokaryotes are organisms (mostly unicellular) which lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, lysosomes, an endoplasmic reticulum, and a Golgi appara...
Fermentation is a metabolic process used to produce yogurt, wine, and many other products which occurs when an organism converts a carbohydr...
A unicellular organism only have one cell. Examples of a unicellular organism are bacteria, archaea, protozoa, and prokaryotes. Unicellular ...
Tropism is a natural phenomenon in which plants or any other biological organisms will move or turn due to an external stimuli. Examples of ...
Genetic variation is the differences in the alleles of genes and it creates diversity and contributes to natural selection. It is caused by ...
A frond is a large, divided leaf.
The flower ovary is the female reproductive organ in flowering plants.
Lipids are one of the principal structure components of living cells which includes fats, waxes, fat-soluble vitamins, and monoglycerides. T...
Auxins are a class of plant growth substances that are essential to the plant's development and behavioral processes. It is produced in ...
In bilateral symmetry, when an object is divided in half, it will create mirror images of itself on both sides of the line of symmetry, or a...
Gibberellin, or GAs, are plant hormones responsible for the regulation of plant growth and other developmental processes, such as flowering ...
On the contrary to the hydrophobic effect, the hydrophilic effect is the tendency of a polar substance/solute to dissolve in water. Hydrop...
A hydrophobic effect is an effect displayed by hydrophobes showing the tendency of nonpolar substances to repel water molecules. A typical r...
Histamine is an organic nitrogen compound that acts as a neurotransmitter and is involved in local immune responses, such as the inflammator...
Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are organisms that has had their genetic material changed or altered via genetic engineering method...
Pollen is a powder ranging in texture from fine to coarse that contains microgametophytes of plants which produces sperm cells. The hard coa...
Endotherms are warm-blooded organisms, or organisms that maintains its body temperature through metabolism. Compared to ectotherms, or cold-...
An amniotic egg is the egg of an organism that lays its eggs on land or the eggs remain within the female. Embryonic membranes which include...
All arthropods have a body that is divided into segments and in each of these segments, there tends to be a repeat of structures. For exampl...
Seed dispersal is the transport of seeds away from the parent plant through methods such as the wind, water, or an animal carrying it on its...
Territorial behavior is an animal's method of protecting its territory from intrusions. Many species display this behavior and an organi...
A redox reaction is a chemical reaction which involves the transfer of electrons between species. The oxidation state of the atoms are chang...